Vanessa James & Yannick Bonheur
If You Were...


By Romain Gazave
Photos © Olivier Brajon


The first of the Grand Prix events of this Olympic season was the Trophy Eric Bombard in Paris, France. Romain Gazave, himself being a pro-skater, took it upon him to have a short chat with several skaters, asking them a few fun questions. French Pair Champions 2006/2007 Vanessa and Yannick happily obliged for the first piece of this series!




A Colour:

Yannick: Red

Vanessa: Blue


A Season:

Yannick : Summer

Vanessa: Summer


A Music Piece:

Yannick : Anything from Michael Jackson

Vanessa: Somewhere Only We Know 
                (by Keane)


A Movie:

Yannick : Save The Last Dance

Vanessa: Shall We Dance


A Book:

Yannick: Lord Of The Rings

Vanessa: Twilight


An Animal:

Yannick : A bull

Vanessa: A unicorn


A Piece of Clothing or Accessory:

Yannick : A golden necklace

Vanessa: A nice pair of earrings


A Country:

Yannick : France

Vanessa: France


A City:

Yannick : Paris

Vanessa: Washington D.C.



Yannick : Colombo (a specialty from Martinique: that is a French Caribbean island)

Vanessa: ice cream and cookies (lol)


A Personal Quality (on this one, I’m asking Yannick to answer for Vanessa and Vanessa for Yannick):

Vanessa answering for Yannick: Entertaining

Yannick answering for Vanessa: (hesitation) …she’s always happy: Positive


A Flaw (on this one, I’m also asking Yannick to answer for Vanessa and Vanessa for Yannick):

Yannick answering about Vanessa: She can be too much of a perfectionist.

Vanessa answering about Yannick: Introverted (He has a tendency to hide his feelings and what he thinks.)


One of the 4 elements:

Yannick : Fire

Vanessa: Wind


A Perfume:

Yannick : Black Code (Armani)

Vanessa: Coco Mademoiselle (Channel)


A Drink:

Yannick : Water

Vanessa: Gin fizz


A Musical Instrument:

Yannick : Guitar

Vanessa: Piano


A TV Show:

Yannick : Prison Break

Vanessa: Gossip Girls


A Celebrity:

Yannick : Will Smith

Vanessa: Beyonce


Pairs Skaters (inspiration):

Yannick : Berezhnaya / Sikharulidze

Vanessa: Berezhnaya / Sikharulidze


Single Skater (inspiration):

Yannick : Victor Petrenko

Vanessa: Michelle Kwan


What’s your Goal for this season?

Yannick: to be French national Champions, 5th at the Europeans and to qualify for the Olympic Games (there are two pairs couples in France at the moment competing for only one spot in the O.G. - ed)




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